Saturday, March 7, 2015

A Gentle Rebuke

     God is so good! He is sweet and loving! I was in prayer this morning. I prayed and was ready to jump up because I have a busy day today and I needed to get ready. I was then reminded of nightly conversations with my Mother. I can call her and not get a word IN! ( I love you mommy! See my smile?  LOL) She sometimes will totally dominate the "conversation" and I have to literally interrupt her to get a word in! After about 5 minutes of this, she is done and then will abruptly say "Well, I'm getting ready to get off this phone. You have a good night!" LOL! I'm left holding the phone like HUH?  I couldn't help but chuckle thinking about this. She doesn't do it all the time but when she does, of course I notice it. I didn't get to really TALK to her. I'll hang up shaking my head and still loving her all the same. The Lord bought to my attention that this is how I was being with Him! Forgive me Lord! We are to learn to TARRY in prayer. It is a CONVERSATION. We talk to God and He talks to us. We have to listen too. Instead, we go to pray, say what we think we need to say and OFF WE GO! We immediately shift our minds to our day instead of remaining meditative and focused on Him.  Imagine two chairs. You are sitting in one and The Lord in another. You "pray" or ask all these things of Him and then, you just get up and leave. How many times have we left Him "holding the phone"? He is a gentleman so He's not going to jump in and interrupt and make us listen to Him like I have to do with my mom sometimes..(again, love you mommy! See my smile? My teeth? I look like you! LOL! The Lord used you as an example so you can't hurt me when you see me.) We can't get so busy thinking about our day that we don't take time to get instructions from the one who made the day possible! He holds the instructions that are vital to our day! Let's take time to LISTEN.


Monday, March 2, 2015

Sometimes we just have to tell on them!!!

     Do you remember when you were a child, minding your own business, doing what you are supposed to do when all of a sudden out of no where some one would hit you, bother you, bully you and sometimes make your life miserable? Sometimes make you cry? It can get so intense that you want to quit or just hide?   Do you remember how you used to run and tell your parents about what they did to you knowing that justice would come? Even if the bullies called you a tattle tale, it didn't matter because you knew once you told your mom or dad what was up, that mean behavior against you would come to an end...
    Now, fast forward 10, 20, 30 years?....(eh hem! clearing my throat...) Did you stop telling on folk?  If you are a child of God, I hope not! You might not can tell your earthly parents but you can tell Him! I had to tattle on somebody today! Enough is enough... I went right into the throne room and told God just what was up!  Then, For some reason, I began to wonder if I should've done that/? LOL. Immediately Nehemiah popped in my spirit. (Nehemiah 4:1-9, 15) Boy....when they got to messing with him and the work that he and the people were doing for the Lord, he SANG like a canary to the Lord His God. Well, guess what? I sang like one today and then worshiped His Holy Name and heard "This Battle is not yours but the Lords!!" ( 2 Chronicles 20:1-29) Whoa! I did a praise dance then!  See, when we run to Him and tell Him, HE got it!  Ain't no need to fight back, get all stressed and bothered (even though sometimes... we do. I admit, I did.)  and get distracted by all the dirt they kicking up! Just get it together, run tell God, listen to His instructions and begin to worship because just like our parents would handle that bully that was picking on us. God is going to handle that situation. (Just a disclaimer: Most likely He won't just let us run away like we want to but He assures us that HE is going to be right there with us to face whatever we have to face. Remember how your parents would come out to the school, playground or even backyard on your behalf to set things straight? When the kids saw the parents had your back, the bullies ran so fast you thought they grown another set of legs! Made you feel more confident didn't it? You had backup! You still had to go back to school the next day but they remembered who had your back and stood DOWN! )
      Just trust and believe that God is going to handle those bullies that are trying to stop your progress in Him....So, next time you are getting picked on....GO TELL IT!!! He'll work it out!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

It's Not Too Small!

     Have you ever felt like your "little" was insignificant? Would never be noticed or did not matter?  I think we've all felt that way at one time or another and man doesn't make it better because they seem to always look at how much people have and how much they are doing with it and judge based on that.( I think we've all probably been on both sides of that coin!)  I'm so glad that we have a God that looks at our heart and I'm here to encourage you that HE sees what you do when others don't and will reward accordingly.
    Several weeks ago I was in a meeting. I felt a little of what I mentioned earlier. That my "little" did not make a difference. Anyway, as the meeting went on a great accomplishment was announced and immediately it dropped in my spirit that "I" was a part of that accomplishment.....See, the "little" in my eyes was joined together with somebody else's "little" along with somebody's else's "little" 'and together all those "little" efforts added up to be a blessing to somebody else! I felt "proud" and "happy" that it was done and that my little contributed and was a part of making something big happen. I smiled. It was as if someone said to me "See! YOU help do that!" (smile..that was so encouraging. Thank you Lord)  And, to make it sweeter, God opened my eyes to the fact that HE has blessed accordingly because of it. I literally felt that while sitting there.  See, that's how He does it. A lot of us look at the "big thing" or other people and think what we have or what we do does not matter and only THEY can do it so, we don't do anything. That's not the case at all! The Lord wants us to know that He sees each individual's heart and the spirit and the motive behind what we do and what we give no matter how small it seems in our eyes or man's eyes, IT MATTERS TO HIM AND HE will bless us accordingly. That makes me SMILE. We have to stop listening to the devil's lies that our "little" does not matter!
   I immediately thought of the Widow's mite. (Luke 21:1-4) If she had looked around at all the rich folk and decided that her small amount wouldn't count, she would not have been blessed. We have to stop allowing the enemy to cheat us out of our blessings because of what we "feel". We are simply focusing on the wrong thing. We have to stop looking at others and focus on our personal relationship with Christ and, if you don't have one, I encourage you to begin a daily quiet time with Him. One on one. Just you and Him. It's worth every minute and a life changer!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Have You Seen The Movie Avatar?

     If you haven't seen the movie, you might not be able to relate. Usually, I'm not fond of a movie that lasts over 2 hours unless its Transformers (smile) but I really enjoyed this movie when I watched it several years ago. It popped in my mind earlier this week. I didn't do a "total recall" of the whole movie but Jake Sully's character stuck out. Nothing else from the movie, just his character. There was a reason. I hope I can explain it like I saw it.
      If you remember Jake is a paraplegic and a former marine.. He cannot walk and is now confined to a wheelchair. He cannot afford the operation that may help him to walk again. He is given an opportunity that he couldn't refuse. After all, I"m sure he felt as if he didn't have much to lose. He had just suffered another blow, he lost his only living family, a twin brother.
     Now, What came to me was Jake and his Avatar. He had the awesome opportunity to dwell in a new world. In order to survive and be successful on this "mission", Jake had to take on the body of an Avatar. His Avatar had his memories, emotions, personality, knowledge. The Avatar was all him except he stood over 10 feet tall and in a different form.
     When Sully takes on this new form and travels to the other world, he finds that he can walk again, he is stronger than he's ever been, taller than he's ever been. He is excited, full of zeal. He is in a new world and, it's beautiful. He has hope.  But, he has to get used to his new body and learn about this new world and how to operate. Then, he finds that he has to go to war to protect himself as well as others. It becomes a matter of life and death and all of Sully's training of being a marine and a warrior is needed and used in his avatar.

    See where I'm headed?

     We, whether saved or not can relate to Sully in different ways. He has lost his only living family, the use of his legs. I'm sure he was ready to give up on life when he was suddenly given the opportunity to "live in a different world". You know in my mind, I went to salvation. Coming to the only one who can really give us access to this "new world" and set us free. Jesus. He can give us His Spirit so that we can have the ability to overcome our circumstances. As he accepted this challenge, he was introduced to a new life where he now had strength in his legs to walk, run, fight! He looked at the world through new eyes. The sun was brighter. The grass and trees were greener.  It was all open and accessible to him now that he had accepted the invitation. For those not saved, are you ready to accept this invitation?
     Now that he had accepted it, he had to learn to walk in it. He still existed in his other body. He was not dead. His situation while operating in his avatar, was still the same. But, he also existed in this new world that was opened up to him where he was powerful. Get it? We, as children of God still live here in the earthly realm, but, we have a spiritual realm as well that we operate in and we have to learn how to simultaneously operate in both worlds. Unlike Sully, we can use the spiritual things to CHANGE our natural circumstances! Growing in our relationship with the Lord, prayer, studying His word, hearing His voice and learning how to operate in Him.
     Before Sully's accident, he was in the military. He had a warrior's mind. He was trained in strategy. He knew how to fight and it served him well as he operated in the new world. What is it that we excelled in before we came to Christ that He can now use for His glory? To assist others?   Nothing is too small.
     Another point to make is...In his flesh, he had some bad blows in life. In his Avatar, he stood over 10 feet tall and powerful. How do we look in the spirit? How do we see ourselves? Still in the wheelchair of our circumstances with no power or are we standing over 10 feet tall in the spirit fighting like warriors?  I encourage you to think on this... No matter what kind of "unfair" thing that life has dealt you, if you know Christ, you still have power that can overcome all things.You have ACCESS to the Father and the spiritual realm that He wants you to walk in! Since we live in a natural and spiritual existence at the same time, we have the power to speak change into our lives from the spiritual realm into the natural realm-even if it's just changing a negative way of thinking!  What are we speaking?  We don't have to be bitter and victims or bow to negative circumstances! We have a whole new world we have access to! We are 10 FEET TALL IN THE SPIRIT! LET'S GO! NOTHING is impossible with God!

Sunday, January 11, 2015


     First of all, I would like to thank God for confirmation! Whew! He is wonderful. Sweet. Awesome. Holy. How could a God so big love someone so small? But, He does. He loves you and me too! (smile)
     Last week was an interesting week for me. Honestly, I could have skipped last week, thank you very much! LOL. But, I thank God for bringing me through and teaching me.  I have to stop here to let people know that my blog posts are to encourage those that can relate to the message I'm trying to get across.They will not resonate with everyone. I don't use all the correct grammar. Here, I like to type like I talk(when in relax mode.) I see my blogs as open journal entries of my experiences that might encourage someone else. Now, back to our regularly scheduled blogging, already in progress....)
     Ok. The week of New Years I was out of town on vacation. I had 4 nights of peace, quiet, communion with God. Mental Rest. It was amazing. On our last day there my daughter became ill. It came out of nowhere.  She was diagnosed with the flu. I was up and down several times during the nights. My question was, "How can I get so much rest only to come back to this?" I even asked... " Can I please get a REPRIEVE? LOL. (I'm being real. I knew I was in war but just wanted to call a TIME OUT. SHOOT! I WAS TIRED!) Her fevers were extremely high. I had taken time off work to go on vacation so my work was piling up but due to her illness I had to be in and out all week so, not a lot was getting done and this is the month that we are preparing for auditing. UGH. Between going back and forth to the doctor, paying copays, filling prescriptions, going to grocery store, ,my finances were taking a hit as well. ( not complaining. giving facts.) To make matters a little more complicated, her high fevers were continuing to rage. I had to take her back to the doctor only to find out she had a sinus infection. She was prescribed an antibiotic in which she had a bad reaction to... SO, see why I could have skipped last week? There were a few other things that happened that I choose not to blog but in a nutshell, I began to get weary, too much going on. WHO WOULDN'T?  The enemy is relentless and is out to kill, steal and destroy and after all of this, he attempted to completely nail me with a situation that literally made me question myself spiritually.  Yes, I staggered. This ain't for the Super Christian. This is for those that are growing and pressing. When this happened, I heard HOLD YOUR GROUND. Immediately I saw two opposing groups about to go to war. It was a large open field and the 2 groups were "facing off". I realized what "hold your ground" meant.  I was to stand FIRM and FIGHT with the Word of God and faith. I was not to retreat. Not back up. Not surrender. Not believe the lies of the enemy or how things might have appeared to be. I might have been wearied at this point but I was to HOLD FAST and not give the enemy any ground. See, God has bought me a LONG WAY and I realized that the enemy of my soul was trying to regain ground and the Lord was telling me to STAND. (Eph.6:10-18)  As I'm sitting here typing, I decided to look up "hold your ground" and states "TO REFUSE TO CHANGE YOUR POSITION OR BEHAVIOR". " TO REFUSE TO MOVE BACKWARDS, ESPECIALLY WHILE BEING ATTACKED."  WHOAAAAA GOD!! We are in a war and are called to withstand the enemy's attacks with the Word of God and have our armour on. The enemy is not happy when he sees we are "gaining ground" spiritually. He does not like it when we are growing in God, being delivered, shedding off old thinking and ways and striving to live a life of surrender to the Lord. He will do anything in his power to stop us and to gain back that ground.  We might as well look for the attack, because it's coming. BUT, WE MUST stand firm and recall to mind all that God has done for us in the past. All He has set us free from. We have to stand firm in the Word and in our faith in Him that He has never left us and regardless of what is happening in our lives even now, He never will. He is faithful. We must put this thing in perspective. The enemy is powerful, we are not to underestimate him BUT GOD is all powerful and if we are in Him,, we have the victory and the enemy is already defeated!

Friday, January 9, 2015

It's A Process.....

      I was messaging with someone on face book recently and the person typed 3 words that sent my mind running. My ears perked up, revelation began to kick in and I was like "whoa". The Words were simply "It's a Process". How many times have we heard those words? How many times have we read them? Sometimes, we can hear something and it will simply go in one ear and out the other. Words can pass us by like the wind. But, there are times when words can come and hit us right in the face. Stop us in our tracks and burn our hearts. They come alive and make us pay attention to them. This is exactly what happened to me when I read those words.  I literally had revelation dawn so fast on me that my thoughts could not keep up! If you can imagine something moving at the speed of light, you will get a visual of how I received these words!
    Basically, what DOESN'T have a process? We live in a World of process. Nothing just materializes out of nothing into something. They go through a process.  I LOVE how the Lord designed this physical world as a big parable to the Spiritual word and how He gives us revelation so we can get a better understanding of things. (Make sense?) We can "know" something and "hear" something but when God gives a revelation status to it, it gets SUPER POWERS. (smile!)  My mind was thinking on every process it could process! (smile) I marveled at the word! ( defines it as "continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definitive manner.) WOW. Can you SEE my hunger and excitement just by reading the definition? Keep in mind, I had heard those words countless times but it was THIS time that revelation flowed like a sentence on steroids.
     The Lord began to deal with me about seasons. For example: Summer into Fall. We don't lay down one hot Summer night and the next morning it is Fall. It doesn't work that way. The calendar may mark a day where it states "Fall begins" but in actuality, Summer was processing into Fall a long time before the calendar declared it. It gradually becomes cooler, the days gradually get shorter and shorter and the leaves gradually turn from a lush green to beautiful fall colors. To take it even further the trees move through a process all through fall, preparing themselves to go into a dormant, winter season. There are processes all around us! Process of growth, crawling to walking, Freshman status to Senior status, graduation. processed hair to natural hair. Whoa. (Had to add that!)
    I can go on and on but, I think you get it. So, the question is why do we get anxious and discouraged when things don't happen for us in the time we feel that it should or the way we want it to? We feel like we are being faithful and moving forward. We are examining ourselves. We feel like we're being led by God but, what's taking so long? Why during these times we begin to feel like we've "missed it"? We get frustrated and try to make things happen in our own strength? Why do we want to just give up? I think it's because we don't understand the process or get weary during it.  At least, that's what my deal was. A while back,  I had some things planned out. In my mind, I had steps set up like dominoes and I was going to knock them down one by one and keep it moving. Let's GO.  I was mentally checking off a list. What I didn't factor in was GOD'S TIMING and PREPARATION for the things I had planned! Sometimes we don't factor in those things He has to FIX in us or around us before we can move forward. (Proverbs 16:9 "A man's heart deviseth his way; but the Lord directs his steps.")   He takes us through a process. There was healing that needed to take place, deliverance, understanding. acceptance. We are moving through the process as long as we are moving forward and cooperating with Him and following His plan.  Physically, I might not be at MY goal yet but spiritually, HIS GOALS are being met in me! We don't need to rush it, fight it and we certainly don't need to give up on it! We need to rest in Him knowing that He is taking us through this process in His timing for our own good and for His Glory. The tree is not telling God to hurry up and change it's leaves from lush green to beautiful fall just stays planted and allows it's leaves to blow in the wind while trusting God to change it's seasons.  Get this... even when ALL it's leaves fall off in winter and it goes completely dormant, looking dead, it still stays planted. Why? Because I believe that the tree, even in the dormant state with no leaves is being and doing exactly what God would have it do in that season. That's beautiful isn't it? I hear ya' God! I got it. You get it? Stay planted and commune with Him. Enjoy Him. Trust Him without leaning on your own understanding. Move in what He will have you to move in and trust HIM to change your season!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Funny Thing Happened to Me Today.....

     This morning when I got up, I realized I didn't have any bread to make my sandwich for lunch....Well, ok. I already knew I didn't have bread. I was just too lazy to stop by the store on my way home yesterday. (and the day before)  Anyway, I went to a fast food restaurant.   I decided to get a small burger, fry and a sweet tea. I got down the road and the sandwich was hot but didn't have any taste, the fries were hot, but bland and kinda hard. And, get this all you southern folks...THE ICED TEA WAS NOT SWEET. I could kinda deal with the blandness of the food because to be honest, I really didn't have a taste for it anyway. But, the tea was a deal breaker. UNACCEPTABLE.  I realized that I had gotten unsweet tea by mistake. I hadn't driven far and I literally said out loud to myself..."Now, this whole meal CAN'T be bad. I gotta change something!" I turned around, drove back to the restaurant and poured the unsweet out and got the sweet tea. When I got back in the car, I decided to put a little salt on my fries and on my burger. As I was doing all these things, it was as if my actions were "speaking" to me. I was I started eating again and, my meal was MUCH improved. The salt bought out the flavor of the food and the tea was now sweet. It was like that whole meal had "come to life".
     Life can be hard. Sometimes we are dealt some hard blows. We get "unsweet tea" by mistake.  We make a bad decision. As a result, life can seem bland and bitter and we can end up being hard from it all. We're living, warm blooded creatures..but, inside we could just be "blah". And, somehow, we just accept the "blah". But, it doesn't have to stay that way. That's good news! We can make it better! What's that "deal breaker" that will make you turn around and say "Somethings got to change!"  What is that unacceptable thing that you know you need to change?  It starts with a decision and changing our perception of how we see where we are, what we are going through or have been through. We must decide to make some positive decisions that will change our lives for the better and make a conscious decision not to stay in the "pit". The fact that I changed a tasteless burger and fries to a good lunch with a small pack of salt and the fact that I decided to turn around and get the sweet tea instead of deciding to keep the unsweet tea spoke volumes. Just doing those small things bought about a positive change.
    I know, you're thinking..."How she get all that out of a burger?" My answer to you would be.. ."Read the title of my blog again...I did say A funny thing happened to me today".
     Back to my story. :)
     What started out as bland and hard didn't stay that way. It doesn't matter how long you've been in a pit! If you're breathing, a change is a decision away!  I encourage you to get a pack of salt. Meaning, give your life flavor.  If you feel stuck and in a rut, depressed, down, go be a blessing to someone else.  Be thankful.  Begin a hobby. What is it you like to do? Find out the things that make you happy and DO THEM! I give you permission! (As long as they are positive and healthy) Pour out the negative thoughts, bitterness and hardness of life and put in the sweet things. Choose to smile more, love more and above all things, forgive. Let go of every weight. It's not worth it because, you're meant to soar and you can't do that weighted down!  You were meant to FLYYYYYYYY.  ( I see you lighter already!)  Life is too short to accept the bland in life when only a decision to turn, add a little salt, replace the unsweet with sweet can make it better...
     You can't see me right now. But, trust me. I'm smiling.